I'm so fucking sick of losing half of my health to fucking meds and lights that rush the middle when I'm trying to cross the ice to get to the north part of the map. It's absolute fucking bullshit. I know some snarky jackass is gonna come on here and say "TheN don'T dRIve AcroSs The OpEn witH No CoVer". No fucking way, but what the fuck else are you supposed to do? There is almost no fucking cover for tanks coming from the southeast spawn except for like a destructible ship, and the other side is only somewhat better. I'm not saying that it isn't a valid tactic for a heavy to not go north, but fucking 1/3 of the entire map shouldnt be unreachable just because lights, autoloaders, and impenetrable hulldown invisible tanks can reach the middle faster, especially if your team's meds decide to go south. "JusT aNgLe YOUR TANk". Really? The entire middle ridge is huge and you will always be exposing a weakspot no matter how you are angled. And matches with arty just make this issue worse. Glacier would actually be of my favorite maps if it wasn't for this bullshit.

Posted on CategoriesDiscussion, World of Tanks
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