I know people give arty alot of hate but I like the slow paced playstile.
I have a huge monitor so I play wot in window mode and also watch other stuff online betwen shots.
Sometimes I do pay attention to the game and I like to focus down a single player for the entire battle untill he is dead. I do this even if I have easier shots on other tanks, i just wait for that one player to get spoted again or to get out of cover.
I even blind fire for him or fire even if I know i will just splash him because he is behind cover.
I actually like focusing one person knowing I might get them to quit the game for the day.
If people want proof of this I can create an album with screenahots of messages from player cussing at me, and actually asking why did I only shoot them all game.
Stay safe out there guys, as you might meet me in your next battle.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/fhe1sd/how_i_play_wot_my_arty_player_experience/