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I have a question about the “pay to win” aspect of the game and how badly (or not) it could affect me.

So I restarted to play World of tank recently with an new account and I do not want to buy anything with real money in the game. I will only grind to buy or unlock thing.

For now, most of my tank are Tier V (I do not want to grind to fast to get the grasp of the game before reaching tier 7-8-9-01 and having to pay credit to play match hahaha). At this point, I have some tank with under 100 % crew and all my tank have no object.

At this point, I do not feel at a too much disadvantage with what I have. Not having unlocking techs in tank are way more impactful for me.

Will they be a point (in higher tier) where the fact that I do not put money in the game will badly affect what I can and what I can't do in games ? Will they be a point where skill will not matter against a player who put real money ? Or I won't have such disadvantage later in my games if I play correctly ?

I know that it feels like I am crying, but it is not. Depending on your answer, I'll ajust in what tier tank I'll invest and keep vs what tank I will grind for. For example, if you tell me that tier VIII will be unplayable, I'll stick more to lower tier tank that are fun to play.

Thank you !


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