First things first, artillery is limited to one per team and both SPGs have to be equal tier. +2/-2 matchmaking should be gone too.
So this matchmaking will be based on what kind of tank you are playing and it will attempt to put you on a map suitable for that class of tank.
Heavy tanks will mainly be put on maps with a lot of cover and choke points, such as Himmelsdorf.
Light tanks will mainly be put on maps that are more open, such as Murovanka.
Medium tanks will mainly be put on hybrid maps that feature a combination of open spaces and cover/choke points, such as Studzianki.
Tank Destroyers can be placed on any type of map.
In the event that it is taking too long to find a match on an appropriate map for a player, the game will give you a choice of things to do:
Play a game against AI where you are the only real player while you wait for it to find a match. Credits and XP are not earned or spent in this mode.
Browse the Garage and wait for it to find a match.
Sit on the loading screen and wait for it to find a match.
Play the World of Tanks Attack minigame from the Console versions while you wait for it to find a match.
Play in a mode without any objectives or time limit that has an endless number of respawns similar to the Skirmish mode in Overwatch that it puts you in during matchmaking.
Choose a Training Room to play in while you wait for it to find a match.
There will be a selection that lets you decide if you're okay with being put on any type of map or if you want to be placed on an appropriate map, or if you want to be placed on a hybrid map.
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