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Is the First Phase of Crew 2.0 the Cart or the Horse…?

I’m trying to sequence this in my head, but these are the elements I’m trying to analyze…

1.) The new skills are coming in 1.20.1 (so, May-ish, i.e., soon) and we’ll need to reset all relevant crews to align with the skill changes.

2.) It’s unknown if Wargaming will provide a general window to reset crew skills for free or if we will just get 12 resets like they provided on test server. (Meaning, we might have to spend gold, and potentially, a metric eff-ton of gold, to reset crews.)

3.) We know that some future release phase of Crew 2.0 (and I’m admittedly fuzzy on this aspect) will allow us to use the same crews in multiple vehicles, and that some crews will be converted to training booklets?

When I think about this, I see a potential path, depending on how it all plays out, where I have spent gold on crews (again, potentially *a lot* of gold to reset them, and then that crew becomes irrelevant because of being able to use crews in multiple vehicles, and thus, the gold spent on the reset was just wasted.

Am I wrong on this potential outcome? I just feel that Crew 2.0 should be rolled out in a more comprehensive release version, not in this MVP format.


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