I'm getting a truckload of UK blueprints thanks to the Battle Pass, so I wished to spend them for what most will agree is one of the more, let's say, controversial tanks in the game – the Tier 10 UK LT Manticore.
I'm among those who laughed at this thing when the stats were first revealed, but in due time I've learned to not act so tough and appreciate it for what it is – a comically small, extremely sneaky RC toy with a massive gun strapped on it. Oh sure, the EBR 105 walks all over it without issues but then again, which LT does not get walked over by EBR these days?
Adding to that, something that will most likely be unpopular but I tend to speak my mind – light tanks don't deserve all the bad press they get and, IMHO, said bad press comes from how unfun their gameplay can be.
How often does the team react poorly (to put it mildly) when a light does not yolo first thing in the match? And how often yoloing gets said light killed only for a few teammates to gain something from it? Spotting is important, but dying just so a few campers can get an easy shot? Sorry for the bluntness but, I'm not playing this game to clean other people's toilets. I've learned this the hard way while playing the French lights – matches where I were on my own and ignored the team (unless their calls for aid were sensible and worth answering to) yelded the best results, whereas answering to the FU LT SPOT call always got me killed early on.
Speaking of French lights, I'm also interested in the AMX 13 105 as I have a 3D style for it and I think would be a fun tank to play (one complain I had with the 13 75 and BC 12t was how weak their firepower was), but seeing as the BP is UK/RU themed, that would not be the most efficient way to spend blueprints.
That's all. If you want to give advice or comment on the LT situation in general, by all means drop a comment.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/fonfjv/manticore_and_a_small_lt_rant/