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My predictions for upcoming crew 2.0 skills

So WG announced the new skill system, time for some guessing eh? I can't guess all of them so write your ideas in the comments, I'll try to update the post with your ideas

Also keep in mind that you'll be able to pick only one of the yellow skills per skill class

If the text is normal I'm almost 100% sure what it's gonna be

If the text is italic like this I'm unsure and it's just my guess

If the text is bold like this I have no clue and this the best I could come up with

SE – self-explanatory

… – absolutely no idea

Tactical training

  1. Quick reaction – faster 6th sense activation time
  2. Watch – view range
  3. Cohesion – longer stun when playing arty (not resistance, see Technical training – 3. – Pain threshold)
  4. Target control – Designated Target skill – longer spotting time
  5. Practicality – Jack of all trades – When crewmate is killed the loss of efficiency is smaller
  6. MORALE – Everybody except the commander gets a skill boost
  7. TEAM SPIRIT – Everybody gets a skill boost including commander but the individual boost is smaller – so BIA

Gun training

  1. Soft spot knowledge – Deadeye skill – higher chance of damaging modules
  2. Hunter's precision – Better accuracy
  3. Composure – Faster loading
  4. Predictability – Intuition – If you switch ammo types you have a chance of having it instantly loaded
  5. Snap shot – SE
  6. RAPID FIRE – Adrenaline rush – 10% reload boost when below 10% hp
  7. CLEAN SHOT – Higher chance of rolling good pen/accurate shot

Technical training

  1. Concealment – SE
  2. Quick repair – SE
  3. Pain threshold – stun resistance
  4. Fire fighting – SE
  5. Safety measures – Safe stowage – more ammo rack health
  6. ALARM SIGNAL – When you're low health (hp icon is shown) your radio sends a distinguishable signal to your teammates
  7. NERVES OF STEEL – Higher chance of bouncing

Driver training

  1. Pedal to the metal – faster acceleration and/or top speed
  2. Off-road driving – SE
  3. Clutch breaking – SE
  4. Smooth ride – SE
  5. On the move – …
  6. CONTACT REACTION – faster track repair
  7. QUICK START – faster engine repair (could have much higher bonus as engine dies much less frequently

Operational training

  1. Old guard – …
    1. u/_0451: it might be a crew xp boost
  2. Intuition – radio boost (radio operator icon)
  3. Espirit de corps – …
    1. u/Kirbi_ate_Stalin: it might be a reduced chance of crew dying
  4. Close combat – some sort of boost when enemy is close
  5. Controlled impact – SE
  6. APPLIED MEDICINE – smaller efficiency loss when cremate is killed
  7. APPLIED MECHANICS – smaller efficiency loss when module is damaged


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