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Noob’s Guide to Winning Games during the Holiday Season

Okay so seeing the influx of posts about people posting their low winrates during this holiday season, I thought i'd try my hand at writing a guide to possibly help you guys possibly win more games without actually physically needing to carry them.

Disclaimer: This guide is generally meant for people with <1.6k wn8 or newer players and experienced players may already know most if not all of this so read at your own discretion.

Disclaimer 2: For the credibility of my post, my stats are

I'm not a super unicum who can 3 mark every tank and what not but I feel like I have a decent understanding of the game enough such that I can hold a 57% winrate most of the time (bar this holiday season because the teams really are abysmally bad). So take my opinion with a grain of salt if you may.

Without further ado, the way to win more games can be broken down into 2 fundamental concepts, Tank knowledge and map knowledge.

Tank knowledge refers to knowing common weakspots(Cupola/Bottom plate) and also tank specific weakspots like E100/Maus turret cheeks. Most red players make the mistake of rushing up the tech tree using the top of the line bonuses thinking that tanks get stronger as you go up the tree (which is true btw for most cases) but neglect to realize that so do their enemies and then they struggle to contribute meaningfully to the team. My advice is to play each tank slowly and learn about every tank and its pros and cons in the same tier before moving to the next to make the game more enjoyable than just dying every game doing 0 dmg at tier 10 because you don't know how to pen a hulldown obj 703 II etc.

Another crucial aspect to this is knowing how your own tank performs relative to its same tier and higher tier counterparts in it's role and abilities, Ie gun depression, dpm etc. Making use of this knowledge allows you to pick more favorable engagements and avoid the unfavorable ones.

Meanwhile map knowledge refers to knowing how to play the map and frankly, the only way to build on this is to do your own research by watching youtubers play the map or by playing it yourself.

Though with basic understanding of the tank knowledge one should basically be able to easily achieve 50% winrate at minimum.

Now for the more advanced section. As we all know, WOT has multiple classes of tanks, namely lights, meds, heavies, TDs and the "One-that-shall-not-be-spoken". For the sake of this guide, I will exclude the existence of arta but it is in no means useless which I would get to later in the guide. In order of difficulty of playing, Heavies are easier than TDs> meds> lights. At the same time the influence of these classes are inverse to their difficulty of playing, where lights have the greatest influence on whether a game is won or lost, contrary to their gimped statline and heavies, less so.

Why so? The answer boils down to just 2 stats in which they excel at and that is view range and mobility. I won't get into detail in the spotting mechanics of this game but basically the greater the view range, the higher the chance of you spotting a dude camping behind a bush and him not spotting you back, allowing your team to farm him. While mobility lets you get into spotting positions faster, giving your teammates free damage and also intel on enemy deployments. To win more, all you need to do is to just spot targets for your team to shoot which is easier said that done because yoloing into the enemy in the first 30s and dying will throw the game rather than help you win it. There's also the issue of you spotting but no one is in position to shoot the enemy which means your spotting was for naught.

The simple solution to this problem is to spot the enemy is commonly known chokepoints like the base of the hill on el halluf before the meds/heaviums cross or base of hill on campinovka. Though again your spotting will be for naught if your team decides to camp base and die in which case you should always spot locations based on what you think your teammates would be able to shoot.

Spotting is also only half the equation, early game damage is alot more valuable than late game damage which further cements the role of light tanks in winning games because whatever spotting you get early on from your superior mobility to get into crucial positions can allow your teammates to be able to win their flanks easier be it by trading or what not just because of the free damage your team got at the start, courtesy of you.

And thus, this brings us back to why I think lights have the greatest potential to help you win games. This is not to say the heavies can't help you win more games, but I personally think that as a heavy, if you want to carry games you'll have to do most of the heavy lifting damagewise but as a light, your sole purpose is to stay alive and spot for teammates. But such a method is not without drawbacks as your odds of winning are closely tied to whether you teammates have enough braincells to left click on the enemies you see. IF your teammates are too incompetent to do that then your SOL my friend.

Any unicums or what not out there, feel free to disagree with me and let me know why, I'd love to hear your opinion. Thanks for reading! :))

TL;DR: To win more games, learn the games, learn the map. If you know how to do that then just play lights and spot EFFECTIVELY, not yolo. If done properly your winrate will skyrocket. no kidding :P.

Reminder: I am an LT main so I may be biased so take this with a grain of salt if you may xd.


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