Panther (It could be the Panther II or another German medium, idk. However, it'll make sense for them to rebalance tanks in the same tech tree, especially the Panther II since it hasn't been performing so well lately)
Type 4/Type 5 Heavy (As mentioned with the M46 Patton, it's likely that both the Type 4 and 5 will be buffed together. On top of that, these vehicles desperately need the buffs)
Object 430 II (Garbage Tier 9 medium, makes absolute sense)
WZ-132-1 (Same case with the Obj 430 II)
T-54 (Maybe? It'll probably get minor buffs considering it's not a bad tank by any means. Judging by WG's tendency to balance the Tier 9s and 10s of respective trees, the Obj 140 might get some love as well, though it's perfectly fine without any)
Vehicles that'll likely get nerfed:
E 50 (One of the best-performing Tier 9 mediums, however, I hope they don't over-nerf it considering it's not necessarily OP. There is also a chance the E 50 M will be nerfed too (God forbid). On the other hand, they might straight up buff them, who knows)
Vehicles that already received buffs/nerfs:
Centurion 7/1
Also, let me know what those other tanks were that I missed.
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