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P44 VS progetto 46

First of all, I played both tanks, and now…

A long time ago people told me, progetto is the best t8 medium, so in the end I decided to get the Pantera and get a taste in the autoreloaders, time later I has the chance to play the progetto, and… After lot of games with both…. Why people consider the progetto better?

For me the Pantera is just straight better but one thing, intra clip reload

Speed, top and acceleration, p44 wins (better p/w and 60km VS 55)

better armor (this one can bounce and works from time to time, while in progetto…. My lorraine bounced more than this one XD)

If both face each other and empty their clips the first shot after full empty will be almost same time and the Pantera will win (faster empty magazine reload)

With all this… I find the Pantera just simply better than the progetto, and I can't get why people say progetto is just simply better

Ps: forget to say, Pantera is better rammer, more weight, faster and better armor

Ps2: English isn't my first languaje, but I hope u understood what I mean to say


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