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Perspective of an actual new player regarding the coming patch

I wonder if I will get downvoted into oblivion for this.

Just for reference: I started with this game last month WITHOUT a referal program so I'm almost as fresh as a new player can be.

There has been a lot of discussion about the horrible balancing the upcoming patch will bring for new players. An often made point is that newbies will never be able to catch up. This is a very valid point. Having gone through the meatgrinder that is this game I can tell you that I already have this feeling even without the patch. Have you ever tried to bring a Stock M5 Stuart with a 50% crew in a Tier V battle (I know i'm stupid for not having taken the 75% crew but again: I'm a pleb).

This is already a disastrous experience with a fun rating of 0 out of 10. Putting an even further emphasis on crew bonuses and Bond Equipment changing is of course yet another step to screw us filthy noobs over. But i really think that if we were stupig enough to not have uninstalled the game by now we pretty much won't suddenly win the battle of intelligence vs addiction after this patch. You can't score less than 0/10 points of fun.

You might ask why I'm stupid enough to stay anyway. The answer is that seeing how much potential a tank has and knowing that you might reach it if you just hold out long enough is very addicting unfortunately. And the Game Devs know this of course.

Don't get me wrong I probably hate this shit as much as you do, but I'm self-reflecting enough to see that I have to admit that WG is doing a pretty damn solid job with their game on a psychological level.

It's sad to see that the days are gone in which games were just there to be fun. Nowadays they are produced to squeeze money out of you by letting you produce just the right amount of dopamine. And yes, WG got me with a certain Low Tier Heavy Tank that gives a pretty nice XP Bonus (You filthy sweaters know exactly which one I mean :D). I struggled a whole effing day with this decision but in the end WG finally won.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I just had to get this off my chest. Have a nice day!


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