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RANKED BATTLES, who will play?

As the new ranked season is announced, I just thinking about the timing and the game mode general.

The first season is a disaster. The system is bad so most of the players abandoned the game mode. Really small amount of players reached gold league (around 2500 on EU).

The second season is tweaked, but still can't win back the players. Gold league players still really low in numbers.

That's make me think, how popular is this season will be. The 297e and Chief OP spam still present, 99% of the player base have no hope for the T9 reward tank as they don't played the previous seasons, while the Battle Pass is running from today.

I can't see the ranked season become really popular. With extremely low players in the game mode, reaching Gold league will be a great challenge even for 297e spammer unicorns.

What do you think guys? It's be better? I'm wrong or right?


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