Westfield is, in my opinion, one of the best maps in the game and apparently, a lot of people don't understand it. A don't claim I am the best player in the world, but I am differently above average. Just to clarify, this is my early to mid-game suggestion, and subsequent reaction require a lot of situational awareness. I play mostly lights and mediums, so that is the primary focus of this post. You likely noticed, that I left out SPGs and it has a simple explanation, IMO they don't belong to the game and thy are harmful most of the time. So SPGs are not an issue of this map, but of the game in general. Just to add, I believe both sides of the map are important and both can secure you a victory. And unlike the majority of the maps, both spawns are equal and neither of them provides a significant advantage to the team. Feel free to leave your opinion and suggestions in the comments and I hope this post will be helpful to at least a few people. If you have any questions, I will try to answer them below.

Posted on CategoriesGuides, World of Tanks
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