Really the only thing I can ACTUALLY complain about in WoT…

I like to call the grind from tier VIII to X “the long haul,” because between Tier IX and X alone are like 200,000-300,000 XP.

It isn’t like this is really that challenging, I mean even I could grind that out in a week or two with premium, and I objectively suck at this game, BUT

My actual complaint is that I get really, really freaking bored playing one tank that long, and if I split off to do something more fun when I get bored of a tank, I end up not coming back to it for, like, forever.

Perfect example is my VK 100.01P. It was sitting at 80,000 XP out of what I had to grind (counting discounts it was only like 138,000, so thanks blueprints!) for like 2 months because I just got bored of running the tank, and now in like 3 days I earned 40,000 XP + a bunch of free XP from lucky daily rolls, anyway my point being

Is there some way to just NOT get bored running the same tank over and over, lol? Do other people get this?

I’ve made a lot of posts bitching about WoT, but TBH this is kinda the only one that’s got any amount of credence to it


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