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Rebalance tanks via non-tank handling stats? A way to rebalance without rebalancing

I was just thinking about how some tanks are borderline useless in the matchmaker and must rely on a slew of factors to do well. We all know WG isn't exactly in the business of rebalancing. So, given the fact that we know WG doesn't care about competitive games (see lack of balance)… We "balance" tanks in other ways? While they may not be competitive, they still are rewarding to the player playing them in some form.

How about we take those terrible tanks and buff them via XP gain boost! Credits earned boost? Free exp earned boost? Bonds increased on victory? 2x EXP from spotting or tracking, etc. Lot's of options here. Literally encouraging "bad" tank gameplay, or going down difficult lines, via non-combat rewards.

You're playing Churchill VII in a t8 game? "WELL LUCKY YOU! That comes with a +X% (insert boost of either WG's or player's choice) because we acknowledge this tank is a giant pile of garbage we purposefully put in the game to encourage spending money. That's right! We literally designed content around being skipped with money!" – WG

I acknowledge this entire post is basically a work around to WG balancing things. At the same time it would add additional stats to track or think about which can arguably be seen as a P2W aspect in itself. But since they refuse to balance the game, so here we are suggesting alternatives….


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