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Recap of WG’s “New Balance” for WoT.

Hello tankers, we would like to introduce new balance!

We are making tech trees less complicates so we're removing 92 tanks, content from our game! We want to keep historical vehicles in the game so we remove vehicles such as T-62A, AMX 30B…

We're making all shells and all vehicles stronger just to nerf special shells, thus making veteran players have to re-learn everything!

We know that nobody likes arty, so we're making them even more powerful!

We have just sold the death star on BM for 22 million credits and we're nerfing the tanks speciality into nothingness!

Join our sandbox, it is the time to hear you now! We couldn't quite hear you in the last 8 months!

Don't forget about our latest BM offer, 3 orders for 1.500 gold. Screw you whoever got it through hard work and a lot of time!

Roll out!


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