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Returning player test server impresions

SO i have had a loong ass break from the game, 2 years or thereabouts, i got back into it got into a groove on the live and this was my first ocasion to test old tanks with new equipment and fieldmods, and the newly ( or new to me ) buffed tanks.

I would like to double check with you all that my impresions are corect since 5 op tds spamming heat all around can skew them but here goes

ignoring the italian tds impressions are as follow

Kran is still fine imo, needs fieldmods and a bonded stabs but other than that its no longer op but its still good

121 underrated will buy it back

wz 5a , comfort pick idk why i sold it its good

e5 seems fine? armor works surprisingly well sometimes? need to play more but i seems not worth it beacause …..

e4 seems more worth playing than e5 good not broken one of the more fun tanks i tryed idk if its worth having over e100? ( i didnt try e 100)

batchat, used to doge this thing due to gun handling, bonded stabs and bounty acc bost thing did wonders i LOVE IT , ballanced overall

tvp medium, hated it previously the turbo and irs fixed it so much im 100% geting it back heat heavy tho

wz 55 its good , broken good mby? cant tell i think it showcases how op kran was be4 nerfs , i feel they are closer in powerlevel now if not wz is a touch better

rino makes me cry

tier 9

amx heavy with the small gun makes me moist

705 is fine i think its worth grinding for the novelty ( i have no rear mounted heavy)

the progeto 66 or whatever its name is is quite nice idk if good but def not bad

the rest of tier X or IX tanks i either didnt try or have on the live server. Let me know if im wrong and why and if i should try other things


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