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Reworking the cancer out of arty

Most people want to just remove arty from the game, and i don't think that is ever going to happen, WG just has some players that like to play arty, and they don't wanna loose these players. So only option is rework. But not like the last rework that added stun and changed around bunch of stats, no. We need TOTAL GAMEPLAY REWORK of arty. Could you imagine a world where arty is actually respectable, and redeemed class, that works with the team, and doesn't just fap around the spawn? That moves with the team? Let me make that dream come true!

Main goals of the rework:

  1. Make arty no longer able to shoot outside of normal 564m render range (still can blind shoot like any other tank)
  2. No more "satellite view" from space top down RTS gameplay (we'll get to the replacement in a moment)
  3. Now has to keep up with the team
  4. Keep the spirit of the class, indirect fire support

Many of you will probably still not like this rework, since, you know, YOU WILL BE SHOOT BY ARTY, but hopefully, after this rework, this will be just as fair as being shoot by any other tank, after all this is a game about shooting and being shoot, so we can't just remove the part where we get shot. We can, however, remove the part where we get shoot from the other end of the map by a guy that is 100% safe. So keep that in mind. So, let's get to the rework idea!

I think arty should be, first of all, similar to all other classes, so let them play as normal TD's. Give them normal (according to their caliber) accuracy and aim time, so accuracy around 0.4-0.5, and aim times of 3-4s. They will be known for poor accuracy, and long aim times, but also huge guns with HE. Think KV-2 HE-ish gameplay. Also with this, let's bring their HP up to par with regular TD's, so tier X will have around 1,5k HP. Maybe some mobility buffs here and there, so they are playable. Now you can play Arty as TD.


New siege mode

  1. It takes 5 seconds to go in and out of siege mode, and it locks your vehicle in place
  2. You can't move the camera around, it's locked, you can only rotate it withing firing arc of your gun

Within this new siege mode, you can shoot above SLIGHT TERRAIN and only WITHIN 564m RENDER RANGE. This means that you need to be no further from the target than your TD's, and still need someone else to spot for you. It is designed so that you can deal with people abusing ridge lines, since i think many of you will agree, without arty vehicles such as Kranvagn or Chieftain are immortal on the ridge line, so we still need the way to deal with them. However, said vehicle can drive slightly over the ridge line, and shoot back at the arty. And said arty can't even retreat, since it needs 5 seconds first to get out of siege mode.

Positions that arty can use, in comparison to old positions that it can't use anymore.

New camera is locked directly above the vehicle, and does not allow you to move it above the enemy. It only allows you to aim easier above the ridge lines (that's already possible with guns that have extremely slow velocity, such as Matilda derp gun!) In addition to that, with this new system, arty will only be able to make shots with very shallow shell drop, which means only slight terrain can be shot over. No more shooting above buildings or mountains! Also, arty will be encouraged to use regular sniper mode more, since it does not require locking in place, or waiting 5 seconds. And finally, remember that not all maps have positons to utilize this new siege mode! Sometimes arty will only be allowed to play as normal TD glass cannon!

Please, consider this idea. I know that your hatred for arty calls for total removal, but that will never happen, so i think this is at least somewhat possible (think how huge CV rework was in WoWs) – and it would make arty more fair, they would need to use their keyboard a lot more, rarely use siege mode and be more like TD's as well as be within the range of the enemy, so they are not 100% safe anymore. Share your opinion!


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