Hello everyone,
I'm here to ask you if has been any differences on menus last week.
I do not play WoT, however I am doing this silly question because my uncle plays It a lot on PlayStation 4, but he got a mental disorder 4 days ago due to liver problems.
He says that a few menus are not supposed to be as they appear (eg. When the game boots, on the first menu, you have to choose Cold War and WW II game modes – he says that should appear another one with other options; and when gets killed by another tank, he has to press X to return to garage – he says that when gets killed, you would return to garage immediately).
I'm so sorry for such a confusing thread, but I have to understand what a 53 year old baby wants to say.
I would really aprecciate your help and respect for this situation.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/17txl4b/serious_world_of_tanks_menu/