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Some EU server statistics

I'm presenting information that is free for everyone to see from .

How you interpret this data is down to you, however I thought there is an interesting discussion to be had around what the data is presenting.

Feel free to look at the data yourself, these are some of the highlights I feel are important to discuss.

  1. At tier 8, only 12 tech tree tanks out of 46 measured by WOT-Life have over a 50% win rate. These are; VK100.01P, Emil 1, AT15, M40/M43, LTTB, Obj 416, UDES 14, LHMTV, T28, SU-14-2, M26 Pershing, T69.

  2. At tier 8, 38 premium vehicles have less than 50% win rate. Out of 88 premium vehicles recorded by WOT-Life. (I should stress this includes reward tanks, special tanks and tanks that were tested on the public server by WOT employees, but never made it into the game, like the VK100.01 (P) Ausf. b, which has 5 battles by 1 player and a 60% win rate).

  3. At tier 10, if you remove reward/bond tanks. Russian tanks make up 7 of the 12 highest win rates.

  4. The progetto 65 has a win rate of 50.37%. putting it below the Maus and above the BatChat 25t.

  5. At tier 10, 11 of the top 11 win rate tanks are reward tanks.

  6. At tier 9, Russian tanks make up 4 of the highest 6 non premium tanks win rates. The 6 being, in order, the AMX M4 mle. 51, Obj 430 2, T95, Obj 430, Obj 705, IS3 2.

  7. At tier 7 and below, the game seems to favour no nation. With all nationalities evenly distributed around. The one consistent thing is premium tanks taking up the top spots for win rates across every tier.

  8. There are some weird anomalies, or at least tanks that shouldn't really be where they are based on personal experience of the tank. At tier 5, the AT 2 has the highest win rate of any non premium tank. At tier 6, the AT 8 has the highest win rate of any non premium tank, followed by the derp kings the KV2 and OI. At tier 7 the AT 7 has the highest win rate of non premium tanks (can you spot the theme, nerf the AT series wargaming!) higher than the SU-122-44.

Please look through the statistics yourself. It might help you improve your game if you know which tanks are played most and which tanks perform better.

I do understand there may be significant bias in these statistics. For example, free to play, casual players, probably won't be buying premium tanks at tier 8. They certainly won't be grinding out for reward tanks. Tanks with depressingly bad grinds at lower tiers (AMX M4 mle 51) would be only played by stubborn players like me, or good players who can free XP past grinds, or really enjoy the challenge of grinding.

After presenting this information I would like to give my opinion. You don't have to agree, you probably won't. But to me it's apparent that Russian Bias is very much part of the game, new tanks are significantly better than their counterparts, and premium tanks are pay to win.


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