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ST-II Needs a damn buff.

I love this tank, but my goodness, in the current meta, it needs a huge buff.

Consider it, a half decent crew take 23 seconds to load both guns after you do a double salvo. This double salvo often low rolls for around 800, assuming both shells pen, which is kinda rare because the pen is pretty shit.

23 seconds for 800 damage is awful. I appreciate it can load one gun, ready for firing in 12 seconds but even switching to the second gun takes 5 seconds, when you compare it to something else at that tier, like the VZ, which can out perform with a double shot of its own for more damage.

Also, the shell speed is stupidly slow. Its 940 for the AP and it's HEAT is even slower at 920, whereas at least the VZ gets APCR for 1100+ velocity.

Even if you do swap to gold, it has the worst performing gold rounds of all 122mm guns, with just 310 of pen. IS4 gets 340 pen for example.

Let's also not forget if you want to fire both guns, you even have to charge them up. With such slow shell speed and a fairly big aim circle, if the enemy is moving and you have to lead them, its impossible.

The armor is pretty cosmetic because its one of the few russian tanks that has a huge cupola.

If nothing else, its shell speed needs a huge boost because its way too slow.


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