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The ELC Even is terrible for the game’s health

This tank just makes spotting in any tier 7,8 or 9 light tank borderline impossible. Not only does it have outrageous camo but it's also so small that even if you spot it, your team won't hit it anyways.

It outspots every other ligh tank. Most of the time the only way to get rid of one is to yolo to try to proxy spot it, especially with the equipment 2.0.

It has a relatively high alpha clip, which makes it hard to counter, especially with other single-shot lights.

There are also just SOOO MANY of them. Every game I play there are at least 2 per team.

I've only started to notice the extent of the problem when I began grinding other light tanks for missions, and found myself unable to do anything on most occaasions, even when playing higher tier lights. This tank is simply extremely toxic and I'm quite honestly surprised that I haven't seen anyone complain about it yet.


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