As the tittle suggest, if you are playing tank with okeyish camo and your view range is maxed out, you can do the spotting. Mostly tanks like paper mediums (bourr, char, leo line, tvp line,..) but also sniper TDs with good camo and speed like strv, WT, chario…
Common examples which happen a lot(assuming there are not LTs in the game):
On Malinovka defualt spotting bushes on field from both sides, this is literally free spotting damage, it always baffles me people don't fight to go there. Another one is forest under the hills, if your team loses hill just fall dawn the trees and sit there and spot for your snipers in back, you can win losing games in that position, works on both sides.
Mountain Pass spot crossing tanks on mid, this is also a no brainer
Murovanka from North spawn E7 ridge, again free safe spotting damage + you can safely deal your own damage from there
Empire's Border from North spawn rush C8 and spot + shoot crossing tanks to hill, again really safe position, if you have support you can
farm several thousands damage in first minuteEnks(sit in-between trains and spot tanks crossing tracks at the start) and Abbey(river side)