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UDES vs arty :/

i'm loving the swedish mediums atm, but they seem to be unintentionally nerfed to the ground by arties. These tanks excel on ridge-lines and as support on map power positions where there's elevational cover, so as a game begins ill rush to a ridge in open ground to play as 2nd line or mingle with the heavies if i'm top tier.

That is until i'm spotted by a suicidal wheeled vehicle and am instantly targeted by 2 or more artillery (because they know i'm squishy :/), which would be survivable, except the Swedish mediums don't have the armour to mitigate a portion of the artillery damage, despite having well balanced turreted armour against tank v tank combat, and do not have the acceleration needed to redeploy in seconds once spotted. Maybe i'm just a noob, but I feel like i'm being punished while playing to the tank's strengths, which for the most part is ridge-line camping.

Perhaps i'm being too aggressive, but why would I play the role of a td when the tank is generally worse suited to it..? In the right hands these tanks can be pretty strong, resembling a high alpha td with a decent reload, a turret, a low profile, and half decent manoeuvrability, however when there's arty in the game I simply feel like a td who has the manoeuvrability to get himself killed.


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