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World War 1?

I remember when the devs added the Mark 1 tank. Technically we already have the FT-17 and the Mark I, the best tanks of the Great War. So I was thinking, why not have a full World War 1 time-limited Event where Tier 1 WW1-era tanks fight for dominance in Cambrai, Villers-Bretonneux, Flers-Courcelette, and Amiens?

The game mode will be a limited 3 v 3 team engagement in a small map, a homage to the first tank battle in Villers-Bretonneux where 3 Mark IVs fought against 3 A7Vs. Win 20 battles with your tank of choice and keep them!

US: Holt Gas-Electric

IT: FIAT 2000

RU: Putilov-Garford

UK: Mark IV

FR: Saint-Chamond


CZ: Motorgeschutz(Austrian-Hungarian)

JP: Type 79 Kogata(Japanese FT-17)


Although seemingly slow and weakly armored, in this gamemode these tanks are only armed with HE rounds that may or may not turn 360 degrees. Learning to make the best out of damage sweet spots and limited trajectory will be a major part in mastering this battle.

If you unlocked the Mark 1 and the FT-17, you can use them in this gamemode. However their victories will not count as kills earned towards earning the tanks you like. Instead they count as double EXP multiplier events for the crew members.

What do you guys think?


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