A Guide/Overview for new Players

So i was bored more or less in the last few days/week and i decided to make a brief guide/overview for new players and originally thought i limit myself to 4 sites in total however as it turned out that was not possible without leaving out a lot of stuff, i tried to condense it down to the bare minimum. Since i am only one person and i can easily not see some mistakes, i would like some feedback and thoughts about it from the community and perhabs it even helps some people. Just remember that everything written is more or less personal experience and opinion so you may have a different one


Thats the link to the guide and i made it so that people can comment on it if they want but not actually change the whole guide, perhabs its an interesting read for some people.

Cheers Vulpaex

P.S. experienced players or veterans won't learn much probably since i am missing the indepth section i want to make later on

P.P.S i hope the documentstructure on the left works for everybody to quickly navigate to each area they want to see so you don't have to scroll through 15 pages 😀

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/fcwapv/a_guideoverview_for_new_players/

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