All my charts will be updated within an hour from this posting, it takes a little while. They always change things in EFT while I'm asleep
EDIT: All charts updated.
Sorry for the styling, reddit doesn't have great formatting options.
12 Gauge Buckshot
5.25mm Buckshot
- DMG 34 -> 37
- DMG 44 -> 50
7mm buckshot
- DMG 32 -> 39
6.5mm Express
- DMG 29 -> 35
- DMG 19 -> 25
- Pen 28 -> 31
12 Gauge Slugs
RIP Slugs
- DMG 235 -> 265
- DMG 190 -> 220
FTX Custom Lite
- DMG 153 -> 183
- Pen 18 -> 20
- DMG 130 -> 140
HP Copper Slug
- DMG 160 -> 206
- Pen 13 -> 14
Grizzly 40
- DMG 170 -> 190
Dual Sabot Slugs
- DMG 75 -> 85
Lead Slug
- ArmorDamage 45 -> 55
- DMG 147 -> 167
50 BMG Slug
- DMG 177 -> 197
- PEN 23 -> 26
Poleva 6u
- DMG 140 -> 150
- Pen 32 -> 37
20 Gauge Stuff
- DMG 21 -> 22
- DMG 22 -> 23
- DMG 24 -> 25
- DMG 25 -> 26
Devastator Slug
- DMG 188 -> 198
- Pen 4 -> 5
Star Slug
- DMG 134 -> 154
Poleva 3
- DMG 110 -> 120
- DMG 120 -> 135
Other Buffs
- Saiga-12 and Toz accuracy increased by ~45%
This change may or may not affect buckshot spreads, in my testing accuracy has little to no effect on buckshot groupings but this change is much larger than anything I've been able to test previously.
It does massively improve sniping potential. Many slugs also got minor accuracy improvements as well. Superformance is still the best sniping slug with by far the highest velocity, least drop, and most bonus accuracy.
As someone who uses shotguns all the time, these buffs are actually pretty big.
Not only will all rounds just in general kill faster, the changes to most of the 12/70 buckshot pellets make them one tap the head with a single pellet which makes them 2x as deadly. You no longer have to run Magnum Fuckshot to do this, which means no more massive recoil added. Express probably won't one tap heads with a single pellet due to damage falloff, resulting in less than 35 damage dealt with a single pellet. The game doesn't round actual health damage numbers so a pellet could do 34.97 damage and the target would be alive with 0.03 HP on their head, displaying in game as 0/35.
The additional accuracy on the Saiga-12 means slugs are far more consistent, and that slight AP-20 buff makes it more viable against level 4 armor. I still don't feel that there's any good reason to use a shotgun with slugs however, a cheap DMR such as a lightly modded M1A or even just a hunter do the same things as a shotgun with slugs but better.
The buffs to flechette were much welcome, it needed more damage to really make it viable outside of very close range.
Some things still need to be fixed with shotguns though:
- Buckshot spread often favors the outer edges of the groupings, resulting in most if not all pellets going around the point of aim.
- The 153 barrels need an accuracy buff
- The Saiga-12 has an absurd amount of camera recoil, causing you to look up while the gun stays on target.
- The Remington choke currently has no effect on buckshot spread
- The 153/133 and M870 can't use any kind of magnified optics without horrible eye relief
- Pump shotguns need a massive price decrease, they're worse in every way than the semi autos. Maybe an accuracy/velocity increase to set them apart? IDK.