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BSG/Tarkov wants you to adapt to the current situation (ammo/meta).

Dear community,

i am reading a lot of posts, rants and general things about the current ammo situation in tarkov. Players are paying ridiculous prices for the best ammo (m995, m855a1, 545 bs, …) just to play the current "meta" weapons/builds.

Tarkov is meant to be a game with a dynamic economy which changes over time. The availability of weapons, ammo, etc. will change and you, the players, need to adapt to that. It challenges you to adapt to the current situation and you will need to have the knowledge about whats possible to do that.

Lets take the current ammo situation. Instead of buying the expensive 556 or 556 ammo, just switch to a weapon which does the job better than using semi good ammo with a "meta gun". The current best thing you can do is to use 762×51 NATO:

  • The VEPR Hunter, which is a very good newbie gun
  • The M1A, which is a very cheap weapon at the moment:
    • 8 USB Adapters for 1 M1A, which is about 20-30k roubles or
    • 40-50k on the Fleamarket
    • Slightly modable with a arms #18 mount and scope/sight of your choice or
    • A High end build with sass stock
  • The SA-58, which is a very good high end weapon with all the mods – starting at 50k on the flea market
  • The new DT MDR 762, which is a very good high end weapon

These 4 guns will fit for newbie players, mid game and high end players. The Ammo itself is easily buyable and not very limited:

  • M80, 2$ a shot, a good round vs. c4 and c5
  • M62, a better round against c5 / c6 than m80, but with tracers and more expensive
  • M61, the best round, but very expensive (1000 roubles/shot)

Other very good choices:

  • The SVD with 7N1
  • The VSS with SP-6 or SP-5
  • A SKS / Vepr / 762 AK with BP

Adapt to the situation, don't use high end guns with meta loadouts and die because your m855a1 isn't very good against c5.

Tarkovs economy will change. Adapt to it.


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