For New Players (and Old) – How to rid yourself of gear fear!


I've seen a lot of posts directed at new players recently. I can only suspect that due to the game's popularity on Twitch recently we will be seeing a bunch of new players. I wanted to impart some advice from a veteran player to the newbies to nip gear fear in the bud so that it is never an issue for you. It's really quite simple:

Play for survival, not for profit.

That's it. On your character stats page you will see a little thing called your Survival Rate. Every time you go into a raid, make sure you are equipped to the best of your ability to make that number go up, rather than down. Do this, and use your scav off cooldown for a quick buck or to do stupid shit, and money will never be an issue in the game and you will learn the game a lot faster.

Looking at gear as survival tools rather than roubles will completely remove gear fear.


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