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Let me buy resin, stone, metals, feathers, etc from the trader

How to build a large and tall house in Valheim

Our survival server burns through massive amounts of basic resources: stone, resin, feathers, metals, etc. Even if we spend hours farming, it isn’t enough. Tree farms easily cover wood needs, but the other resources just don’t come in fast enough. I think the trader should sell these resources at 1 gold piece per a unit for the super basic stuff then a scaling price for metals, ie 2gp for copper and tin, 5gp for bronze, 10gp for iron, 20gp for silver, etc. We have 20,000 gold with nothing to do with it. Just an idea.

Edit: Would definitely be ok with metals being locked behind boss progression, whether it be server or character based progression could be debated. The issue is the farming time. For instance if you have a large base with 30 wall torches, that 180 resin to fill them all. They’ll be burnt out in roughly 12 hours. And they burn as long as someone is logged in even if they’re not in the instance, so someone logged in on the other side of the map is counting burn time. You’re talking about killing 180 greydwarves. That’s just to fill them, not to build up a stockpile. You’d have to kill thousands of greydwarves just to be farmed up for a couple weeks of play time.

This isn’t really a complaint, just a suggestion, and as far as mods go mods aren’t really an option. It’s too much work on a rented server. I’m suggestion this as an update to the vanilla game.


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