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My friend said today he doesn’t play much because he is broke, I said do a scav run, he said he doesn’t have space for loot…he wouldn’t listen to me but if you have issues with both here is tips.

  1. don't run gear you can't get easily.

I got an ash12 from a mission as a reward, but mag's cost 20k and I can't buy the ammo anywhere. SOLD!

Pre LVL 10 I ran a vepr 136, you can buy ammo, rails, fore grips and such from skier and prapor.

p90's and fn five-sevens were similar, found many in raids, but mags and ammo were too difficult that maid running them impractical. SOLD!

so sell gear you can't easily buy and obtain.

  1. Sell gear you can easily buy and obtain.

another friend had 4mag box's, other than rare and unique mags, like maybe drum or 60 round mags for quests and such or expensive ones that I might use.

you can "store" items on a vendor. back to that VEPR, I can buy 30 round mags from prapor. so I don't need 10-20 magazines for use, I just buy what I need and run them until I lose them. with insurance I find magazines coming back over and over anyway, who loots them anyway?

  1. If gear is easily bought, its cheap and can't be sold for much, which means its not worth looting and bringing out of raid.~

You can insurance fraud your gear for better kits to save weight and space, or reliably expect it won't be looted or stolen at all. I get 9/10 of my vepr's back

  1. dress down.

not just insurance fraud or cheap gear, but making your gear look cheap helps. an all wood ADAR with an m4 upper, will look like an ADAR and might go unlooted (less so now, but they used to be common to every other scav, wood used to mean junk)

  1. if your mags and ammo are on vendors, pluck your pistol grip and remove half the size of your gun. this is common knowledge, but maybe not for new players.

The more space you have, the more you can take, store and sell, and the more you are willing to sell (rigs, bags, guns, ect ect ect) the more money you make.


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