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My Valheim Wishlist

Walheim: how to make delicious mead and what it is for

I’ve been playing a new map with some friends after taking a break before the release of Hearth&Home. Having seen the new things was refreshing and made me love the game even more, but I do have some things I would like to see to make the game even better. I tried to keep balance in mind for all of these and also I stuck to existing content because future content obviously has endless possibilities. Please feel free to give feedback, discuss and maybe add your ideas in this thread and maybe some of it will make it into the game!

Also, I am aware a lot of my wishes can be realised with mods, nevertheless I would really like to see them in the base game as I don’t like modding that much.

For tl;dr just read the healines.

1. Saddlebag or Cart for Lox
This one is pretty self explanatory a saddlebag or a cart for lox would be an awesome alternative to a cart in lategame. I have seen a lot of suggestions for this already and discussion about balance etc and I think the best solution is to just make it the same slot size as a cart. After all, you can take bronze nails and wood through a portal and build a cart everywhere you want while getting a lox to a different continent can be quite the adventure.

2. Fix the Lox
While on the topic of lox, I would really appreciate it if their model/physics/ai or whatever makes them climb ontop of each other and clip through walls gets a rework. Those things propably affect wolfs and boars too but are only a problem for lox because of their size. It’s really difficult to build an enclosure for those chonky boys that looks good and doesn’t need repairs every day.

3. Follow option for Boars
I believe tamed boars should act the same as wolves. It can be hard anough to find a one or two star boar and then getting it to your farm can be tedious at best. Maybe it can be a new item like a carrot on a stick or something to make them follow.

4. Leash for tamed animals
This is idea is primarilly meant as a leash that keeps animals on the ship when sailing with them but It can also be a good idea on land to keep them close while building the enclosure. Just fix the leash to the ship or o a pole so animals can’t move. While on the ocean if they happen to fall into the water it should just drag them behind the ship.

5. Building in Dungeons
I absolutely love the way most dungeons look in this game and would REALLY love to make some of them my home. Now, there are obvious balance issues with this one as you’re pretty much safe from events inside a dungeons which is why I think it should be locked behind a Yagluth kill. At this stage into the game events are really just a chore and lost most of it’s danger factor in my opinion and I think it would be fine to allow building inside dungeons at this stage. This might change with mistlands though depending on what new events are added so another way would be to make event mobs able to enter dungeons or spawn inside dungeons. This one is propably unlikely to happen but I wanted to mention it becasue it’s the thing I want the most…

6. More Darkwood
Most importantly please a reversed darkwood arch and darkwood versions of existing pieces. Possibilites are endless here so this is where I will stop because I could go on for hours requesting building pieces.

7. Cultivating Mushrooms and Berries
This would need to be locked behind Plains content imo to keep gathering relevant in the early game, once you reach plains I think it becomes only a chore and annoying to go gather mushrooms and berries in my opinion and on top of saving that it also can look pretty neat I think.

8. Natural Bushes and Stones
This one could also be locked behind later game content, maybe a new cultivator? It would of course cost wood and stone to place them. I think this would add a ton of possibilities to designing a beautiful base.

9. Preventing Enemy Spawns
So, right now the best way to ensure there are no spawns in a large base is workbenches. While effective I don’t think it looks good covering everything in workbenches. Also, I know it is possible to replace workbenches with a variety of other items that prevent spawns but without seeing the range and being able to check for holes in the cover like you can with workbenches it’s pretty hard to do reliably. So what I would like is some kind of new item to check if everything in the base is covered or a new item that prevents spawns and shows the exact radius.

10. Character bound Pogress
I am playing on a server together with 6 other friends and while we do things together we are also generally split into two groups with different progress. My group is pretty much done with existing content and we're only building stuff while the other group just entered the swamp. Now the obvious problem is when a player of the other group gets a wolf or goblin event they will have a hard time. So my fix for this would be to bind events to the character and only spawn events fitting for whatever boss that character has beaten.

11. Placing Workbench/Forge/Cauldron upgrades everywhere
The upgrades look really good as decorations so I would love tob e able to place them independently anywhere I want.

12. Permanent Light Souurce
With our Base getting larger gets mor etedious to keep the lights on. Resin and greydwarf eyes aren’t a problem thanks to spawners but filling the lamps all the time is annoying. So my suggestion ist o be able to craft a permanent light source from dragon eggs. This would make it a challenge to obtain enough of them because of their weight and I also think it fits because they already glow a bit.

13. Small amounts of Silver in Frost Caves
Would be a neat addition to caves, could get it from destroying items.

14. Cooking in Bulk
Especially considering multiplayer this would be awesome to coock things x5 or x10 at a time.

15. Flour and Linen Stacks to 100
Barley and flax already stack to 100, I think Flour and Linen should stack to 100 as well, I don’t see any reason it doesn’t.

16. Custom Longship
Changing the sail color, attach chields and change the figurehead would be awesome.

17. Weather changes when Sleeping
When sleeping we skip a few hours and I think the weather should change after that too. In addition to skipping nighttime it would be nice to skip some oft he nasty storms too.

18. Anker Points below Ground
I’m sure everyone knows how frustrating it can be when a building piece hovers a few milimeters off ground and you just can’t get a piece to snap below it to make it look good.

That’s it. Typos are intentional to test you.


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