New players, start utilizing VOIP more (especially for questing)

A lot of people seriously underestimate the power of communicating with others in game. I have completed numerous non newbie friendly quests, in highly congested pvp zones (like dorms, resort and crack) just by requesting safe passage from some chad stampeding around in my vicinity. In my experience, 75% of players will allow you to finish your quest in peace and even possibly help you extract successfully if you tell them that you’re friendly and a new player just trying to complete your quests.

Just say something along the lines of “Hey man, I’m friendly, just trying to finish my quest” or even “Hey, can you help me finish my quest? I’ve been stuck on it for ages”.

Having said that, I understand that the point of the game is to struggle and pvp in these areas BUT it’s tough out here for Timmies and sometimes being hard locked on the same quest for days is just brutal.


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