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Tarkov Tracker has been updated to 12.6

Hi all! Just wanted to let people know that I've finally updated Tarkov Tracker for 12.6 quest changes.

Much of the quest data comes from the EFT wiki contributors (I haven't gotten too far this wipe yet) – so thank you to them for providing an invaluable service.

With the quest data update, I've also added links to the quest cards to their respective wiki page to help users check maps and other information that doesn't really fit on the tracker.

If you notice any issues with the information on the tracker, or have suggestions or feedback, please feel free to submit them on the Discord server. I'll try to set time aside to review and update things more regularly this wipe.

TO PREVIOUS USERS: If you used Tarkov Tracker last wipe, you might need to reset your progress. You can go to the settings page to do that.

Thanks all and good luck in your raids!


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