Task / Quest XP Calculator

I had seen a few similar files like this that were old. Here's an updated version. Wanted to have it available for the wipe.

Just put a 1 in the column "Complete?" when you complete the quest.

Column "Opens" shows you the XP that completing that quest will give you by opening up other quests in its path. This is a good way to prioritize what quests to do first.

Sort and filter however you'd like.

Summary Tab helps you figure out much XP you need for each level as well as how much XP is available from missions at those levels.

I'll update as new Tasks come out with the wipe. Let me know if you see any errors or have any suggestions.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/zpm7kj/task_quest_xp_calculator/

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