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Time until Profit Bitcoin

Is the Bitcoin Farm worth it?

Exploring this question I created a script to visualize the investments needed and the profit taken from the Bitcoin Farm:

This Graph looks at all the costs involved including the Cost to build the Bitcoin Farm LVL 1 (2 and 3 spikes at 10 and 25 GPUs) (Including Solar Panels for LVL 3). Also Fuel costs are included for running the farm 24/7. Hideout Level is shown as it reduces the Fuel consumption.

E.g. if You would upgrade the bitcoin Farm form 0 to 50 GPUs now (with current Fleamarket prices) it would take around 130-140 days until You see even 1₽. I do not know how long this wipe will last, but 4 months form now its definitely latewipe (I do not know if I will play regularly by then)

As this accounts for 100% of the fuel cost it might only apply for those who only collect their bitcoins and log of (or just don't craft any other items).

The following Graph considers everything except fuel cost:

So if You can argue that you would be crafting all the time anyways this is the graph you are looking for.

The actual Fuel cost one would use only for the Bitcoin Farm will be somewhere in the middle.(If you have non FIR GPUs this graph looks way better, I definitely recommend using them for the LVL 1 Bitcoin Farm for everyone)

I used the current flee market prices for this, You can request an update in a couple of days.(This does not show the profit after it gets past the point of getting even with Your investment)

Maybe this helps someone with the decision to what level one should upgrade the farm.


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