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Tip to new (and maybe some old) players: Use the pistol case as a rudimentary ammo/mag case.

So if you're, like myself, a lowly Standard edition player, you can often find yourself struggling with space and the general tidiness of your stash.

Cases are a BIG help in dealing with this, but most cases cost an arm, leg and everything in between, and if, again, like me, you aren't that good at the game, sometimes it can feel like a bit of a waste, dumping huge amounts of currency into a case, when you could have, just as easily, used it to buy gear.

A solution my cheap ass has come up with, is to use pistol cases as a temporary storage for ammo and mags. Since I tend to stick to one type of gun (either a SKS or 7,62 AK + a 9x19Para pistol) I usually buy two cases= 1 for the ammo, one for the pistol/rifle mags. The case was recently given a size increase, which makes it even more viable as a storage and the usual price tag on the flea market, is around 20k- which is affordable to even the greenest player.


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