Hello Legends,
We have just reached over 100 YouTube subscribers (117 to be exact) We uploaded our first video to YouTube 10 weeks ago and didn’t expect to have received as much support as we have so far! So just wanted to thank all from this Reddit who have taken your time to submit your plays to feature in our Champion Plays & Funny Moments series and to everyone that has taken the time to subscribe, comment and like our content to support our growth as a channel your support means a great deal to us at Top Apex Clips, it’s aiding us in our journey to monetise the channel, make over all improvements in the quality of the channel and increase our weekly output of episodes! We look forward to featuring more of your fantastic plays hopefully for seasons to come. Thank you immensely
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/cvdm8i/channel_progress_update_gratitude_for_the/