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Consider this

Look. Ever since this whole thargoid war kicked off, all I have been seeing from this community is "join the fight, we need you!" And "look how lucrative the war is!" And, "Slap on some AX weaponry and join the fight!" The fact of the matter is, if you don't know what you are doing, you're going to get fucked up. You're going to lose a ton of money because these bugs are going to mess you up. You will be bankrupt in a matter of hours of you think you are going to slap on some newb unengineered ax weaps and think you are going to accomplish anything combat-wise. Truth is, just about all combat in this game is endgame content. Thargoids even moreso. Even npc pirates will completely wreck new players if they don't understand the nuances of tagging mobs with their newb ship and letting the cops take care of the rest. During the thargoid war, the cops can't even do anything to help you if a Cyclops decides that it is your time. It's gonna mass lock you and wreck you in your slow ass ship because you don't know that you need to be able to at least boost to 400m/s. I mean how the hell are you supposed to know that?! Ask yourself, how many rebuys can you afford? You either need advanced knowledge of how to approach one of the most dangerous aspects of the game OR have a fat wallet. Don't fall for all of the hype that is out there right now. Don't throw your ship and cash away for some misguided claim that you can make a difference by taking the fight to the bugs.

Know what you are getting into if you want to help with the war effort. There are a lot of safer alternatives to contributing to the war effort than just laying your ship on the line to fighting something that you don't fully understand.


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