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Dota 2 update for 1/14/22 (1/15/22 UTC)

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

SteamDB has spotted an update for the game:

Size is ~35 MB (with Workshop Tools installed). More info will be edited in when available.

  • Protections against deliberate tampering of game files to cheat in online matches (or even filesystem corruption) have been strengthened as CRC checks are now being performed (& relayed to the GC). If local modifications to game files are detected, online play will be disabled

    • Users will see a notice in the center of their screen after clicking Play that may spook some into thinking they've been VACcinated (rest assured though, it isn't an actual VACcination)
    • Any modification to in dota, intentional or unintentional, will cause those CRC checks to fail and prevent online play, even if you don't mount a custom VPK structure and do something as benign as removing comments
    • If you know for a fact you haven't modified your files but now come across this notice, the storage device you have Dota 2 installed onto may be failing. If this is the case, take action now to prevent data loss and immediately back up your files.


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