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Easy Earths: A Road to Riches Variant for New and/or Lazy CMDRs Who Want to Spend Less Time in Supercruise to Get Planet-Scanning Credits

I made a variant of Road to Riches I call Easy Earths. I basically made 8 routes (901 total systems) to follow that guarantees at least 1 earth-like world to scan within 2,000 ls of the arrival star. The routes are optimized with an implementation of the Lin–Kernighan technique to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (see screenshot below to see an example route). This is mostly designed to help new players make some easy money. Each route starts at a system near Sol and finishes back near its starting system. To be new-player friendly they are all KGBFOAM stars and there are no permit-locked systems. For people who dislike spending tons of time in supercruise this might be a better Road to Riches for you. There are also some tips in the spreadsheet for other things you could be doing to maximize your efforts if speed isn't everything to you.

Spreadsheet Link

Easy Earths


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