Elite Dangerous Market Connector ("EDMC") is a third-party application for use with Frontier Developments' game "Elite Dangerous". Its purpose is to facilitate supplying certain game data to, and in some cases retrieving it from, a number of websites and other tools.
To do this it utilises the Journal Files written by the game when played on a PC. It also makes use of Frontier's Companion API ("Frontier's CAPI"), accessible once you've authorised this application.
A Journal event change in EDO Update 6 will have caused some translated suit names to not be properly mapped to their sane versions. This change has now been addressed and suit names should always come out as intended in the EDMarketConnector.exe UI.
There is a new command-line argument to cause all Frontier Authorisation to be forgotten: EDMarketConnector.exe –forget-frontier-auth.
Situations where Frontier CAPI data doesn't agree on the location we have tracked from Journal events will now log more useful information.
Bug Fixes
The code should now be robust against the case of any Journal event name changing.
Plugin Developers
We now store GameLanguage, GameVersion and GameBuild in the state passed to journal_entry() from the LoadGame event.
Various suit data, i.e. class and mods, is now stored from relevant Journal events, rather than only being available from CAPI data. In general, we now consider the Journal to be the canonical source of suit data, with CAPI only as a backup.
Backpack contents should now track correctly if using the 'Resupply' option available on the ship boarding menu.
We now cache the main application version when first determined, so that subsequent references to config.appversion() won't cause extra log spam (which was possible when, e.g. having a git command but using non-git source).
I only got into this last month. I never played it because, well, I had no interest in it I’ll be honest. But I agreed to reluctantly play it with a ...