Ferry to HIP 22460

Hey all, My carrier Klaes Ashford (J8J-8KK) is a few minutes out from Veroandi, which is 9ly from the new player systems. If anyone wants a ride to HIP 22460 to catch the finale of the Azimuth Saga you can land on the carrier in Veroandi any time till tomorrow. I will be jumping as close as possible to HIP 22460 approximately 28 hours after this post – the carrier will leave on 8 August in these time zones:

  • 8.00pm Australian Central

  • 6.30am NY

  • 11:30am London

I'll be jumping as close as I can to HIP 22460 but I recommend having a 12+ LY jump range and a scoop as it is getting crowded out there and hard to find super close systems for the carrier.

The Klaes has a full suite of services – shipyard, outfitting, repair and rearm, fuelling, cartographics and Pioneer supplies so you can bring whatever ships and components you need to prepare for the journey, and pick up some ground combat gear if it's needed for whatever comes next…

Whatever happens there's a fully stocked bar, so if 1000 Thargoid motherships suddenly pop out of witch space at least we can down some Lavian brandy while the galaxy burns.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/wi9dxe/ferry_to_hip_22460/

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