Before talking about Issue, I need to explain how the Minecraft language translations proceed. In Crowdin (, the people suggest and vote about what word is good for translation. After translations result came out, 'translator'(In korean '검수자') judges that the result is acceptable or not. If the result is acceptable, then mojang can officially reflect it.
In Feb 21th, somebody reveals strange man weird suggestion at Korean Translation in Crowdin. In following Links ( ), Somebody suggests "Candle might be translated as '초' " , although '초' is NOT using that much in Korean. Briefly speaking why he did think like that; " '양초' (used frequently when Koreans talk about candle) just means 'Western Style Candle', so "It can make wording meaning narrow."
This situations tell us not all proofreaders can do their role sincerely. So We want to TAKE OUT korean proofreaders (Auth, FinalChild) forever. Please Take action if you see this weird situations.
The other day I was riding a rolling log down a hill smashing graylings on the way down and I started thinking about how fun it would be to have log ...