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Patch Notes (From BSG Twitter

As per this:


● Decreased possible performance drops on the Flea Market, presets, handbook, stash, skills, and tasks screens;

● Various client optimizations.

List of changes:

Now, when transferring a container needed to complete a task/craft/zone construction in the Hideout, you can only hand over an empty container. When trying to transfer a non-empty container, you’ll receive a notification saying “You can't hand over a container with items inside”

● Changed the conditions under which Scav bots took a prone position when engaging a player;

● Added new sounds for SCAR-L, different from SCAR-H.

List of fixes:

Fixed an issue due to which shotguns were not dealing damage;

● Fixed an issue causing infinite loading into a raid as a Scav;

● Bots can phrase about other Scavs’ dead bodies again;

Fixed the possibility of rain appearing indoors;

Added missing sounds in third person for characters falling from a height/ledge;

● Scavs no longer slide in place when changing position;

● Bots no longer walk through the train on the Lighthouse location;

● Bots now equip found weapons on their back instead of putting them in the backpack;

● Keys listed on Flea Market now display durability again;

● Spamming the Caps Lock key while moving no longer lets you move almost silently without a significant slowdown;

● Player uphill movement now looks smooth again in third person;

● Fixed the ability to become invisible while using an AGS grenade launcher as a Scav;

● Fixed the ability to look through the bunker walls on the Reserve location;

● SJ6 TGLabs stimulant now correctly increases maximum stamina again.


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