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See the last time we did this here:

It took us a while to get another one of these going since we didn't stock up on all our required goods before the economy events kicked in. We are now creating gear-sets and hope to be online around late afternoon/early evening EST. We are going ALL OUT for this, every scrap we have left, including keybars, T H I C C cases, etc are all going to be put out over 2 raids. More details to come soon, check back for this post (it will be edited).

The gear for our first raid is here:

Items we will be carrying will include: T H I C C ICase, T H I C C Weapon cases x4, Weapons case, med case, keybars x4 with every maps important keys, docs case (with all labs keys and all other slots keycards), Decked prefab guns, full magboxes, and more!

As before we'll have empty space to collect the gear and tags of anyone who dies to us, everything worth anything gets added to our loot pool. Hope to see you real soon.

The server will be New York The map will be Shoreline (right side)

We will approach the village and hang out until 30 minutes left in raid, we will not extract until any combat has been completed.

I've decided to stream the event this time since it was requested last time we did this, it will be here when we are live:

Bug destroyed our THICC case again, we think there is an issue with container stacking and THICC cases when entering raids. Gear set 1 is down, but no one is able to get it unfortunately 🙁 Running more with THICC Wcases and keybars full of shoreline/interchange keys


RAID 1: Completed 1 PMC down 1 Boss down.

Raid 2: Bugged out, destroyed first loadouts

Raid 3: Finished, killed 1 PMC both were killed in village.



STATUS: All out of gear. Stash worth from 100million down to 15million between the two events! Was a lot of fun, but unfortunately I don't have the cash value needed to run it again with the economy being so poor.

We are planning on doing some of these earlier next wipe, if you want to be a part of these, or if you just want to be notified when they happen you can shoot me a PM and I'll sort something out. I had more fun interacting with the people participating, so next time I'll probably stream it again. Thanks for the great raids, sorry we didn't have enough gear to run as long this time.



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