Hi Everyone,
Recently, we have noticed a further uptick in both suggestion posts and rant posts. Many community members have approached us directly and were concerned they could not find information easily and/or did not want to have to view rant posts.
We mentioned a few times before the flair policy may change. We have updated the appearance of flairs to be less intrusive.
With all of that being said, any rant or feedback post MUST be flair'd appropriately with either the "Rant" or "Suggestion" flair. Any of those posts not marked with either of the flairs will be removed.
This is in effort to help clean up the subreddit a bit more and have posts more organized.
In regards to the other post flairs, we continue to ask to use them, although, they are still not required at this time.
-The Mod Team
EDIT: We are currently working on an automated Epic response flair. In the meantime, you may use it if an Epic employee responds in the thread. If you falsely use the Epic Responded Flair, you will be banned
EDIT 2: If you are unsure how to add a post flair, after you add a post, go into the options of the post and there should be a flair option. Then you will get a list of choices!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/6sdqzb/post_flair_policy_update_882017/