Elite Dangerous Market Connector ("EDMC") is a third-party application for use with Frontier Developments' game "Elite Dangerous". Its purpose is to facilitate supplying certain game data to, and in some cases retrieving it from, a number of websites and other tools.
To do this it utilises the Journal Files written by the game when played on a PC. It also makes use of Frontier's Companion API ("Frontier's CAPI"), accessible once you've authorised this application.
This Pre-Release continues to add more support for Odyssey, certainly reducing errors in the application when running against Odyssey. It also contains some bugfixes (which will be backported into a release version soon).
Ship Type/Name will now be greyed out, and not clickable, if we don't currently have loadout information for it. This prevents trying to send an empty loadout to your shipyard provider.
Sanity check a returned Frontier Authentication token to be sure it's for the current Commander. If it's not you'll see Error: customer_id doesn't match! on the bottom status line. Double-check you're using the correct credentials when authing!
Bug fixed when handling CAPI-sourced shipyard information. This wouldcurrently only have shown up on live for Fleet Carriers due to a Frontier bug with not returning shipyard data at all for normal stations. It has been observed that Frontier has fixed this bug for Odyssey.
Don't try to get Ship information from LoadGame event if directly in CQC.
A lot of general code cleanup relating to: Inara, outfitting, Frontier CAPI, hotkey (manual Updates), dashboard (Status.json monitoring), commodities files, ED format ship loadout files.
Inara: Don't attempt to send an empty setCommanderReputationMajorFaction API call. This quietens an error from the Inara API caused when a Cmdr literally has no Major Faction Reputation yet.
Plugin Developers
Initial support for new Odyssey "MicroResources" (Data, Item, Component and Consumable) in the "Ship Locker" and "BackPack". NB: Currently the ShipLockerMaterials event omits a Data array, so we can't properly track those. See the updated PLUGINS.md for details about this in the state dictionary.
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