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PSA: Console players can buy Odyssey livery before the account transfer

Read this link if you don't know about Full Account Transfer:

Full Account transfer don't transfer the ARX balance, only the purchased Livery. You can use this trick to buy Odyssey-exclusive livery before landing in PC.

** DISCLAIMER : Tested only in a Pc-Horizons account before purchasing Odyssey, Item purchased by me during a discount: "Motherlode Prospector" that I use as normal suit**

You can buy Odyssey items for your console account, this items are part of your account like the Xmas Jumpsuit from this year Winking Cat Rewards, another Odyssey Only Items.

  1. Log in with your console account

  2. (Optional) If you take part of Winking Cat Rewards, see if the Green Santa outfit is stored in your account, this is Odyssey item

  3. Purchase any desired item from the Ship, Fleet Carrier or CMDR tab, included handheld weapon skins and outfits

  4. (Recommended) Take a screenshot of the purchase, and with the items already stored in your livery inventory, only in the page.

  5. Request Account Transfer to PC, follow the FDev guidelines

  6. See if the new items appear in your PC and Console account (even if unusable on Console)


  • You don't need a suit skin, and reaching higher rank in combat/exobiology give new parts and color for your suit.

  • Horizons clothes could change color in Odyssey, even a big change form Shop to Holo-Me to Planet surface Example 2

Welcome to Odyssey CMDR, you look fantastic o7


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