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Time for an Update

About Following Changes
We are announcing a subreddit update to reflect recent changes to the game and it's predicted future. Henceforth, we are changing the name of the subreddit to "World of Wheels". The banner and logo have been updated to reflect these changes.

Please Obey the Following Rules

  • All posts must be about or contain a wheeled vehicles
  • All posts with tracked vehicles are FORBIDDEN
  • Any time you would right "track" you must replace it with "wheel". (This post is exempt.) This includes words that contain "track" like "tacksuit" (wheelsuit), "coatrack" (coawheel), and "whitrack" (whiwheel)

Regarding Options for Future Posting
Now, we don't want to restrict you too much, so on the subject of half-tracks (half-track is excepted from the no-track rules above), we have decided that we will flip a coin for each post. If we get heads, the post can stay, but if we get tails it gets removed and the user get's banned for a day. Aside from that exception, please keep all posts wheel related.

In Lieu of Tanks You are Familiar with,
Take this time to learn about interesting wheeled vehicles. For example:

Lastly, Subredditors
go read the first letters of the first words of each section and then the first letters of the second words.


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